Food Safety Principles
Level 2

From source to supplier, corner café to five-star hotel, the training is there to protect the consumer. The content can be adjusted to meet the catering provision. However all key principles of food safety are covered.

Duration 6 Hours for attendance Certificate
Duration 8 Hours for certification by CIEH (additional exam)
Delivery. Ideally in groups of up to 12.

Health & Safety Principles Level 2

Health & Safety impacts everyone in the workplace. This principles programme covers theduties and obligation of employers, employees and any persons connected to the workactivity. Core basic subjects include Manual Handling, Display Screen Equipment, PersonalProtective Equipment, machinery, working with hazards, risk assessment process and fire safety.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (CoSHH) Principles Level 2

A focused training session on identifying hazardous substances at work and how to work safely with them. Covering hazard signage, Personal Protective Equipment, Risk Assessment application and data sheets.
Duration 2 Hours
Delivery. Small groups or 1-2-1 on-line

HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points Level 2

If your business serves food, you’re required by law to have a food safety managementsystem in place based on HACCP. This is to ensure that major food risks are controlled along every step of the production line, providing assurance to consumers that public healthprotection is front-of-mind at all times.
Duration 2 Hours
Delivery. 1-2-1 or On-line

Risk Assessment Principles Level 2/3

A solid introduction into understand and applying the Risk Assessment Process as a positivemanagement tool in both reactive and proactive skills to reduce and manage risks and accidents in the workplace.
Duration 2 Hours
Delivery. 1-2-1 or On-line

Managing Health & Safety Level 3

This two day programme is about supporting organisation in meeting the practical health & safty safety applications they need in the workplace. This will cover duties and responsibilities. Welfare provision, risk Assessment completion and application, fire safety and bespoke systems needed for the business.
Duration 2 Days
Delivery. 1-2-1 or On-line